Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Baby Boy Blue Booties....

 I made these crochet booties especially for baby boys, although actually they can be worn by all babies. They are quick to make. I went through many patterns and came up with these with changes here and there.

There are a number of places you can get patterns.Some are:

and many more..

Once you make a couple of them, you get a hang of it and can soon start designing your own...

The crochet baby shoe on the left is a beautiful cuffed shoe pattern. Simple, spacious, safe and covered... A lovely robust pattern.

The pattern on the right is a very plain and simple pattern, very good for beginners...


  1. These are adorable! I wish I'd been able to crochet when my boy was a baby, I'd love to have made him a pair of these. Sadly, since he's almost five, I don't think I can get away with crocheted foot wear now! x

  2. Thanks Gillian!!!!Am a big fan of your craft and crochet works too...
